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Employee experience

The EFEKTI™ employee survey offers your organization the most modern framework and measures of employee experience in the field. With employee survey, you improve employee experience in an impactful and inspiring way. After the survey, we train the supervisors to utilize results and help to put development plans into practice.

Employee surveys

With the help of employee survey, you get a clear understanding of the current state of employee experience, as well as its strengths and development areas. The renewed EFEKTI™ employee survey measures the aspects of an efficient work team and helps to improve everyday work. Data analysis unfolds the key factors of organizational efficiency, enthusiasm and employer recommendation. In this way, you can take action on the most significant things of successful business and teamwork.

Henkilöstötutkimus kehittää tiimityötä ja johtamista.
Henkilöstöpulssi mittaa kehityksen suuntaa.

Employee pulse surveys

With the employee pulse survey, you promote the culture of continuous improvement in your organization. You can monitor the development of the key indicators of employee experience on a regular basis and take action to possible drops in the results. The pulse survey strengthens goal-orientedness of development work after the employee survey and sets a clear schedule to development work.

How about carrying out an employee survey, but splitting the survey themes into lighter pulse surveys and development sprints in the organization's annual clock? In this way, the surveys remain fresh and the employees' enthusiasm for answering is maintained from round to round.

Other surveys

We design surveys for your organization's specific needs, such as DEI surveys, board and management team evaluations, as well as onboarding and exit surveys. For a deeper understanding of issues at hand, we conduct interviews and focus group studies. We have in use an extensive question bank, tested in hundreds of studies, from which we always build questionnaires that fit your needs. Various research topics can be included in a wider employee survey or investigated as a separate survey.

Henkilöstötutkimus voidaan tehdä myös rajatusta teemasta.

How can we help?
Contact us and let's discuss more!

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